December 30, 2010 - Holiday Barleywines
James and Steve enjoy a vertical tasting of end-of-the-year holiday barleywines, starting with the present and ending with 2007.
Barleywine recipe pdf
iTunes | Streaming mp3
December 16, 2010 - Barrel Aging Update
Michael Tonsmeire, the
Mad Fermentationist, and Nathan Zeender continue their visit with an update on their barrel aged beers.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
December 9, 2010 - Kvass: Beer with Bread
Michael Tonsmeire, the
Mad Fermentationist, and Nathan Zeender join us to talk about Kvass, a traditional beer brewed with bread.
Nathan's Blog
iTunes | Streaming mp3
December 2, 2010 - BYO-BBR Bottle Aging Experiment
The guys endure severe weather to evaluate the Brew Your Own - Basic Brewing Radio experiment aging beer in different temperatures.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
November 18, 2010 - E-mail with Steve
James and Steve celebrate the release of their new Extract Brewing and Partial Mashing DVD with a couple homebrews and listener e-mail.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
November 11, 2010 - Stein Brewing in Oklahoma
James heads to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to observe members of the Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers as they brew with hot rocks. He also samples an awesome Berliner Weiss homebrew.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
November 4, 2010 - Mashing Experiment and Winter Brews
James and Chris Colby, editor of Brew Your Own magazine, announce the new collaborative mashing experiment and talk about winter beers.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
October 28, 2010 - Alternate Priming Sugars
Home brewer Drew Filkins shares his technique of using alternative ingredients to put the bubbles in his brew.
- Hydrometer readings and sugar content charts on
iTunes | Streaming mp3
October 21, 2010 - Kegging Revisited
Andy and James talk about the basics of kegging from Andy's article in the November Brew Your Own magazine.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
October 14, 2010 - Brewtroller Automation
Jeremiah Dillingham and Matt Reba from Open Source Control Systems talk about automating your brewday and their Brewtroller project.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
October 7, 2010 - New Albanian Gruits
Jesse Williams, brewer for New Albanian Brewery in Indiana, talks about adventurous beers he's brewed without using hops.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
September 30, 2010 - Sam Adams Longshot
We bring you interviews with all of the finalists in the Sam Adams homebrew competition and the announcement of the winners in Denver.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
September 23, 2010 - GABF Wrap-up
This week, a revisit of James and Andy's trip to Denver for the Great American Beer Festival.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
September 16, 2010 - Thermal Mass and Slaking Heat
Chris Colby, editor of Brew Your Own magazine, explains parameters surrounding the initial temperatures of all grain brewing.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
September 9, 2010 - Nano Brewing in Mississippi
James talks with John Neal and Sam Sorrells from the Keg and Barrel in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. They're carving a foothold for good beer on a small scale.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
September 2, 2010 - Refractometers and Hydrometers
James has a pint or two with home brewer Sean Terrill as they discuss measuring specific gravity and ask for your help.
Sean Terrill's site
iTunes | Streaming mp3
August 26, 2010 - Beehive Brew-Off
James Heads to Salt Lake City to take part in the second annual Beehive Brew-Off homebrew competition, celebrating legal homebrew in Utah.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
August 19, 2010 - NHC Banquet with the Homebrew Chef
Steve Wilkes spends a few minutes behind the scenes of the National Homebrewers Conference banquet with Homebrew Chef Sean Paxton.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
August 12, 2010 - NHC Going Pro Panel Part Two
Five professional brewers answer questions from the crowd at the "Going Pro" panel at the National Homebrewers Conference.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
August 5, 2010 - NHC Going Pro Panel Part One
Four professional brewers share their perspectives and tactics on starting a commercial brewery from scratch.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
July 1, 2010 - Mark Stutrud, NHC Keynote
Mark Stutrud of Summit Brewing in St. Paul addresses the 2010 National Homebrewers Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
June 24, 2010 - Club Spotlight: Prairie Homebrewing Companions
James and Steve profile the Prairie Homebrewing Companions of Fargo, North Dakota in front of a live audience at the National Homebrewers Conference.
Prairie Homebrewing Companions' site
PHC's Award of Brewing Program
iTunes | Streaming mp3
June 10, 2010 - BYO-BBR Irish Moss Experiment
James, Steve, and Blake Lyon evaluate the experiment that attempts to determine whether Irish Moss or other fining agents make a difference in homebrew.
James and Steve's fermenter photos
iTunes | Streaming mp3
June 3, 2010 - A Failed, But Fun, Trifecta
James joins Steve for an attempt to brew a mead, a wine, and a beer in the same day on a holiday weekend.
Gene Ullery-Smith's Beer Label Templates
Retro Number One
Traditional Number One
iTunes | Streaming mp3
May 27, 2010 - Kai's Take on Decoction
Kai Troester joins us to give us his thoughts and techniques about the time-honored process of decoction mashing.
- Kai's
Decoction Mashing page
- Kai's
Decoction YouTube videos
iTunes | Streaming mp3
May 20, 2010 - Rare Beer and Email
James enlists the help of Steve Wilkes, Andy Sparks, and Alex Roberts to answer items from the mailbag as the four sip rare beers.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
May 13, 2010 - Stir Plates and Triangle Tests
Home Brewer Sean Terrill joins us again to follow up on his yeast starter aeration experiment. Also, Sean shares the results of his pitching rate experiment, recruiting dozens of home brewers to help evaluate.
- Sean's
Yeast Pitching Rate Results
- Sean's
Stirplate Design
iTunes | Streaming mp3
May 6, 2010 - Gorst Valley Hops
James Altwies of
Gorst Valley Hops joins us to tell us how his company is bringing commercial hops back to Wisconsin. Also, James answers your questions about growing hops at home.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
April 29, 2010 - Electric Brewing
Home brewer Jeff Karpinski gives us tips on going electric in our home breweries and how to build a heat stick.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
April 22, 2010 - Irish Moss and Aging Beers
Chris Colby, editor of Brew Your Own magazine, joins James to talk about Collaborative Experiments number four and five.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
April 15, 2010 - Legislation Update
Gary Glass, director of the American Homebrewers Association, brings us up to date on legislation affecting home brewers across the country.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
April 8, 2010 - Breakfast Beers
Chris Colby, editor of Brew Your Own magazine, tells us about a series of articles dedicated to breakfast foods we can use to brew.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
April 1, 2010 - Brewing As Art
Home brewer Mark Zap has been awarded a grant to create a work of art: a brewing sculpture.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
March 25, 2010 - Beer Dinner Planning
Steve Wilkes is planning a charity beer dinner, and he takes a moment while things are in the oven to walk us through the process.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
March 18, 2010 - Brewing with Wheat and Stan Hieronymus
Author Stan Hieronymus joins us to talk about his book, Brewing with Wheat - The "Wit" and "Weizen" of World Wheat Styles

iTunes | Streaming mp3
March 11, 2010 - Starter Aeration Experiment
Home brewer Sean Terrill shares the results of his
experiment testing how aeration affects the amount of yeast cells generated in starters.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
March 4, 2010 - BYO-BBR Experiment III
We bring in a panel of experts and data from home brewers to test the effects of a partial boil and adding extract late to the brewpot.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
February 25, 2010 - Mmmm Belgian Sugar Experiment
Mike Nealy, president and founder of Malt Munching Mash Monsters, shares the results of his club's experiment comparing nine sugars in Belgian beer.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
February 18, 2010 - The Home Brewer's Recipe Database
Les Howarth, author of The Home Brewer's Recipe Database

, joins us to talk about his book that lists the ingredients of nearly 3,000 beers.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
February 11, 2010 - Pale Ale Yeast Experiment
Home brewer Scott Mathis shares his experiment splitting a pale ale wort and fermenting it with six different yeasts.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
February 4, 2010 - Malt Conditioning and Listener Questions
Chris Colby, editor of Brew Your Own magazine, talks about conditioning malt for better milling and answers listener e-mails.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
January 28, 2010 - Homebrew Club Sites and Legislation Update
Ryan Thompson-Jewell walks us through some tips on creating or improving homebrew club Web sites. Also, Gary Glass, director of the AHA, brings us up-to-date on homebrew legislation.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
January 21, 2010 - Odonata Beer Company
Peter Hoey of
Odonata Beer Company in Sacramento joins us to talk about launching a new brewery and gives tips for brewing Saisons, Chocolate Stouts and hoppy beers.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
January 14, 2010 - GBS Iron Brewer Competition
Jeff Britton, president of the
Garage Brewers Society of O'Fallon, Missouri, explains his club's current contest centering around mystery ingredients.
iTunes | Streaming mp3
January 7, 2010 - Beer Foam
Chris Colby, editor of Brew Your Own magazine, joins us to talk about factors affecting foam on beer. Also, we catch up on the BYO-BBR Collaborative Experiment.
iTunes | Streaming mp3